The Man Who Was Robinson Crusoe Read online

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  He came at last to relish his Meat well enough without Salt or Bread, and in the Season had plenty of good Turnips, which had been sow’d there by Capt. Dampier’s Men, and have now overspread some Acres of Ground. He had enough of good Cabbage from the Cabbage-Trees, and season’d his Meat with the Fruit of the Piemento Trees, which is the same as the Jamaica Pepper, and smells deliciously He found there also a black Pepper call’d Malagita, which was very good to expel Wind, and against Griping of the Guts.

  He soon wore out all his Shoes and Clothes by running thro the Woods; and at last being forc’d to shift without them, his Feet became so hard, that he run every where without Annoyance: and it was some time before he could wear Shoes after we found him; for not being us’d to any so long, his Feet swell’d when he came first to wear ‘em again.

  After he had conquer’d his Melancholy, he diverted himself sometimes by cutting his Name on the Trees, and the Time of his being left and Continuance there. He was at first much pester’d with Cats and Rats, that had bred in great numbers from some of each Species which had got ashore from Ships that put in there to wood and water. The Rats gnaw’d his Feet and Clothes while asleep, which oblig’d him to cherish the Cats with his Goats-flesh; by which many of them became so tame, that they would lie about him in hundreds, and soon deliver’d him from the Rats. He likewise tam’d some Kids, and to divert himself would now and then sing and dance with them and his Cats: so that by the Care of Providence and Vigour of his Youth, being now but about 30 years old, he came at last to conquer all the Inconveniences of his Solitude, and to be very easy. When his Clothes wore out, he made himself a Coat and Cap of Goat-Skins, which he stitch’d together with little Thongs of the same, that he cut with his Knife. He had no other Needle but a Nail; and when his Knife was wore to the back, he made others as well as he could of some Iron Hoops that were left ashore, which he beat thin and ground upon Stones. Having some Linen Cloth by him, he sow’d himself Shirts with a Nail, and stitch’d ‘em with the Worsted of his old Stockings, which he pull’d out on purpose. He had his last Shirt on when we found him in the Island.

  At his first coming on board us, he had so much forgot his Language for want of Use, that we could scarce understand him, for he seem’d to speak his words by halves. We offer’d him a Dram, but he would not touch it, having drank nothing but Water since his being there, and ‘twas some time before he could relish our Victuals.

  He could give us an account of no other Product of the Island than what we have mention’d, except small black Plums, which are very good, but hard to come at, the Trees which bear ‘em growing on high Mountains and Rocks. Piemento Trees are plenty here, and we saw some of 60 foot high, and about two yards thick; and Cotton Trees higher, and near four fathom round in the Stock.

  The Climate is so good, that the Trees and Grass are verdant all the Year. The Winter lasts no longer than June and July, and is not then severe, there being only a small Frost and a little Hail, but sometimes great Rains. The Heat of the Summer is equally moderate, and there’s not much Thunder or tempestuous Weather of any sort. He saw no venomous or savage Creature on the Island, nor any other sort of Beast but Goats, &c. as above-mention’d; the first of which had been put ashore here on purpose for a Breed by Juan Fernando a Spaniard, who settled there with some Families for a time, till the Continent of Chili began to submit to the Spaniards; which being more profitable, tempted them to quit this Island, which is capable of maintaining a good number of People, and of being made so strong that they could not be easily dislodg’d.

  Ringrose in his Account of Capt. Sharp’s Voyage and other Buccaneers, mentions one who had escap’d ashore here out of a Ship which was cast away with all the rest of the Company and says he liv’d five years alone before he had the opportunity of another Ship to carry him off. Capt. Dampier talks of a Moskito Indian that belong’d to Capt. Watlin, who being a hunting in the Woods when the Captain left the Island, liv’d here three years alone, shifted much in the same manner as Mr. Selkirk did, till Capt. Dampier came hither in 1684, and carry’d him off. The first that went ashore was one of his Countrymen, and they saluted one another first by prostrating themselves by turns on the ground, and then embracing. But whatever there is in these Stories, this of Mr. Selkirk I know to be true; and his Behaviour afterwards gives me reason to believe the Account he gave me how he spent his time, and bore up under such an Affliction, in which nothing but the Divine Providence could have supported any Man. By this one may see that Solitude and Retirement from the World is not such an unsufferable State of Life as most Men imagine, especially when People are fairly call’d or thrown into it unavoidably, as this Man was; who in all probability must otherwise have perish’d in the Seas, the Ship which left him being cast away not long after, and few of the Company escap’d. We may perceive by this Story the Truth of the Maxim, That Necessity is the Mother of Invention, since he found means to supply his Wants in a very natural manner, so as to maintain his Life, tho not so conveniently, yet as effectually as we are able to do with the help of all our Arts and Society. It may likewise instruct us, how much a plain and temperate way of living conduces to the Health of the Body and the Vigour of the Mind, both which we are apt to destroy by Excess and Plenty, especially of strong Liquor, and the Variety as well as the Nature of our Meat and Drink: for this Man, when he came to our ordinary method of Diet and Life, tho he was sober enough, lost much of his Strength and Agility. But I must quit these Reflections, which are more proper for a Philosopher and Divine than a Mariner, and return to my own Subject.


  It was not long after Selkirk’s return to England in 1711 – seven long years after his departure from Bristol – that he was sought out by the London journalist and essayist Richard Steele to be interviewed in several meetings about his castaway experience for The Englishman magazine.

  ‘Alexander Selkirk’, The Englishman


  Under the Title of this Paper, I do not think it foreign to my Design, to speak of a Man born in Her majesty’s Dominions, and relate an Adventure in his Life so uncommon, that it’s doubtful whether the like has happen’d to any other of human Race. The Person I speak of is Alexander Selkirk, whose Name is familiar to Men of Curiosity, from the Fame of his having lived four years and four Months alone in the Island of Juan Fernandez. I had the pleasure frequently to converse with the Man soon after his Arrival in England, in the Year 1711. It was matter of great Curiosity to hear him, as he is a Man of good Sense, give an Account of the different Revolutions in his own Mind in that long Solitude. When we consider how painful Absence from Company for the space of but one Evening, is to the generality of Mankind, we may have a sense how painful this necessary and constant Solitude was to a Man bred a Sailor, and ever accustomed to enjoy and suffer, eat, drink, and sleep, and perform all Offices of Life, in Fellowship and Company. He was put ashore from a leaky Vessel, with the Captain of which he had had an irreconcileable difference; and he chose rather to take his Fate in this place, than in a crazy Vessel, under a disagreeable Commander. His Portion were a Sea-Chest, his wearing Cloaths and Bedding, a Fire-lock, a Pound of Gun-powder, a large quantity of Bullets, a Flint and Steel, a few Pounds of Tobacco, an Hatchet, a Knife, a Kettle, a Bible, and other Books of Devotion, together with Pieces that concerned Navigation, and his Mathematical Instruments. Resentment against his Officer, who had ill used him, made him look forward on this Change of Life, as the more eligible one, till the Instant in which he saw the Vessel put off; at which moment, his Heart yearned within him, and melted at the parting with his Comrades and all Human Society at once. He had in Provisions for the Sustenance of Life but the quantity of two Meals, the Island abounding only with wild Goats, Cats and Rats. He judged it most probable that he should find more immediate and easy Relief, by finding Shell-fish on the Shore, than seeking Game with his Gun. He accordingly found great quantities of Turtles, whose Flesh is extreamly delicious, and of which he frequently eat very pl
entifully on his first Arrival, till it grew disagreeable to his Stomach, except in Jellies. The Necessities of Hunger and Thirst, were his greatest Diversions from the Reflection on his lonely Condition. When those Appetites were satisfied, the Desire of Society was as strong a Call upon him, and he appeared to himself least necessitious when he wanted every thing; for the Supports of his Body were easily attained, but the eager Longings for seeing again the Face of Man during the Interval of craving bodily Appetites, were hardly supportable. He grew dejected, languid, and melancholy, scarce able to refrain from doing himself Violence, till by Degrees, by the Force of Reason, and frequent reading of the Scriptures, and turning his Thoughts upon the Study of Navigation, after the Space of eighteen Months, he grew thoroughly reconciled to his Condition. When he had made this Conquest, the Vigour of his Health, Disengagement from the World, a constant, chearful, serene Sky, and a temperate Air, made his Life one continual Feast, and his Being much more joyful than it had before been irksome. He now taking Delight in every thing, made the Hutt in which he lay, by Ornaments which he cut down from a spacious Wood, on the side of which it was situated, the most delicious Bower, fann’d with continual Breezes, and gentle Aspirations of Wind, that made his Repose after the Chase equal to the most sensual Pleasures.

  I forgot to observe, that during the Time of his Dissatisfaction, Monsters of the Deep, which frequently lay on the Shore, added to the Terrors of his Solitude; the dreadful Howlings and Voices seemed too terrible to be made for human Ears; but upon the Recovery of his Temper, he could with Pleasure not only hear their Voices, but approach the Monsters themselves with great Intrepidity. He speaks of Sea-Lions, whose Jaws and Tails were capable of seizing or breaking the Limbs of a Man, if he approached them: But at that Time his Spirits and Life were so high, and he could act so regularly and unconcerned, that meerly from being unruffled in himself, he killed them with the greatest Ease imaginable: For observing, that though their Jaws and Tails were so terrible, yet the Animals being mighty slow in working themselves round, he had nothing to do but place himself exactly opposite their Middle, and as close to them as possible, and he dispatched them with his Hatchet at Will.

  The Precaution which he took against Want, in case of Sickness, was to lame Kids when very young, so as that they might recover their Health, but never be capable of Speed. These he had in great Numbers about his Hutt; and when he was himself in full Vigour, he could take at full Speed the swiftest Goat running up a Promontory, and never failed of catching them but on a Descent.

  His Habitation was extremely pester’d with Rats, which gnaw’d his Cloaths and Feet when sleeping. To defend him against them, he fed and tamed Numbers of young Kitlings, who lay about his Bed, and preserved him from the Enemy. When his Cloaths were quite worn out, he dried and tacked together the skins of Goats, with which he cloathed himself, and was enured to pass through Woods, Bushes, and Brambles with as much Carelessness and Precipitance as any other Animal. It happened once to him, that running on the Summit of a Hill, he made a Stretch to seize a Goat, with which under him, he fell down a Precipice, and lay sensless for the Space of three Days, the Length of which Time he Measured by the Moon’s Growth since his last Observation. This manner of life grew so exquisitely pleasant, that he never had a Moment heavy upon his Hands; his Nights were untroubled, and his Days joyous, from the Practice of Temperance and Exercise. It was his Manner to use stated Hours and Places for Exercises of Devotion, which he performed aloud, in order to keep up the Faculties of Speech, and to utter himself with greater Energy.

  When I first saw him, I thought, if I had not been let into his Character and Story, I could have discerned that he had been much separated from Company, from his Aspect and Gesture; there was a strong but chearful Seriousness in his Look, and a certain Disregard to the ordinary things about him, as if he had been sunk in Thought. When the Ship which brought him off the Island came in, he received them with the greatest Indifference, with relation to the Prospect of going off with them, but with great Satisfaction in an Opportunity to refresh and help them. The Man frequently bewailed his Return to the World, which could not, he said, with all its Enjoyments, restore him to the Tranquility of his Solitude. Though I had frequently conversed with him, after a few Months Absence he met me in the Street, and though he spoke to me, I could not recollect that I had seen him; familiar Converse in this Town had taken off the Loneliness of his Aspect, and quite altered the Air of his Face.

  This plain Man’s Story is a memorable Example, that he is happiest who confines his Wants to natural Necessities; and he that goes further in his Desires, increases his Wants in Proportion to his Acquisitions; or to use his own Expression, ‘I am now worth 800 Pounds, but shall never be so happy, as when I was not worth a Farthing.’


  The rescued Selkirk was shorn, shaved, feted and made a fuss of by his rescuers, and – as he took on a host role while the Duke and Dutchess rested for two weeks at Juan Fernandez – the Englishmen even gave him the honorary titles of ‘governor’ or ‘monarch’ of the island in recognition of his intimate knowledge of it. But the most significant title was that of ‘mate’ of the Duke which, as Woodes Rogers explained, was given to him after the generous recommendation by William Dampier.

  Dampier also brought Selkirk the news that the Cinque Ports had not quite sunk, as he had predicted, but had sprung a terminal leak after leaving the island and had just managed to limp to the edge of a mainland harbour where, at the mercy of the Spanish, the survivors were treated with such barbarity that all but a handful of them died.

  Selkirk was thus very glad of his blessing in disguise, that he had not sailed on from the island with Stradling to a fate worse than death. And he had much more faith in sailing on with the men of the Duke and the Dutchess.

  Before doing so, the tired men were rejuvenated and those with scurvy recovered well during their two-week rest on Juan Fernandez with Selkirk, while he tried to readjust to their way of life – not always successfully. When Captain Rogers first ushered him to his cabin and presented him with a celebratory glass of rum, the smell of it turned his stomach and he could not drink it. He was given fresh clothes and did not feel comfortable in them. Nor could he walk – or run – in the new shoes that were provided for him.

  He could still run well enough in his bare feet, however. He was successful at leading the ships’ hunting parties to the best rock pools for crayfish, through the woods to the turnip patches and cabbage palms, up the mountainsides in pursuit of the two or three goats to make stew for the recovering sailors every day. They also lived off the lamb-like’ flesh of seals and sea lions with which they shared the beach. But however well they recovered, none of them could keep up with Selkirk’s speed. Indeed, his incredible fleetness of foot had become one of his most vital island survival techniques and there was general amazement that he could even outrun the ships’ bulldog.

  Almost too soon, the busy little town that had grown up on the beach to clean and repair the ships was being dismantled – the tents of sail canopies brought down, the forge cooled, the fat of slaughtered sea lions bottled up, the goat’s meat, vegetables and water stored away. And on February 14, 1709, the well-restocked Duke and the Dutchess set sail on what was destined to be one of the most successful British privateering ventures of the 18th century.

  Several accounts of the rescued castaway’s experience suggest that he retained a certain ambivalence in his feeling about returning to the sea and society. For a start, he had to relearn to speak, dress and eat and drink in the manner expected of a ship’s officer, and one wonders if – having tasted such pure island freedom and closeness to nature – he would have relished every aspect of the transition.

  Certainly, as the ships sailed smoothly northward at the beginning of that great adventure, it would be a safe assumption that he watched with tears rimming his eyes as the rugged volcanic outline of Juan Fernandez faded away behind the horizon. He would never see his belo
ved cats again, or his goats, or his cosy huts that had given him such comforting shelter when times were hard and lonely. He had brought with him all the mementoes he could, to keep the memory strong of a life-changing experience of survival that would live with him forever. But he did not want to yield to sentimentality. He shook his head and wiped away the tears. There was not so much to weep about. After all, a golden future beckoned and he would think on that.

  A few years later, he might well have written ...

  ‘Twas a sad moment, I own, the Parting of the Ways from Juan Fernandez. Yet I was not overly Disappoint’d when I thought on the Opportunities now abounding. To save a Lengthy Tale, suffice to say that Good Fortune accompanied Our Voyage at All times whilst it bore away from my Island and the West of the Americas, full up to California, across to Guam and Batavia, afore Turning for Europe and Home, and could be describ’d as Nothing Less than a Great and Memorable Success.

  Upon our Return, laden with Treasure in abundance, we were then three Ships strong, having been augmented by a Great and Magnificent Prize in the Shape of the Hansome Spanish galleon, Nostra Senora de la Encarnacion Disengani. This I was honour’d with sailing over the north of Scotland (thus avoiding the dangers of the Warring French in the Channel) and past the Coast of my Native Fife in the Middle of 1711, and sore did I wish that my Family, so near yet so Far in Nether Largo, could have Known of it.